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By January 11, 2017October 2nd, 2017Cascadia Healthcare, Culture

We are always looking for honest hardworking people to join our team.  If you are looking to to make a change, or you are just interested in learning more about Cascadia Healthcare or one of our locations, please reach out on our contacts page or send us an email at

Some of our Core Values

Family – We believe in building families at home, at work, and in our communities.
At Cascadia being a Force For Good starts with building strong foundations in all
parts of our lives.

Ownership – At our core we believe in ownership, owning the work you do, the
way you conduct business, give care, interact with staff, residents, and our community.

Responsibility – It is our duty to uphold our core values, provide excellent care,
interact with all people with kindness and professionalism, build a strong culture,
and to adhere to the highest ethical standards.

Celebration – We believe in celebration- whether it is the life stories that our residents
continue to write or the small accomplishments our team does to enhance the lives of
the ones we are entrusted to serve, we passionately celebrate all of them.

Experience Driven -We believe in building a company guided and driven by developing
and nurturing meaningful and rich experiences in all areas of the company.

Joe Kelly

Author Joe Kelly

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